Capita Asset Management is solely focused on the identification of quality managers and constructing portfolios based on the best blend of managers that complement each other. Capita blends similar mandates in its portfolios with different styles to manage performance with respect to asset allocation and fund management.
Investment Philosophy at a Glance
Cadiz Asset Management and work in association with Capita Asset Management to provide professional advice on the asset allocation and blending of managers across the range of Capita unit trust portfolios.
Portfolio Construction and Monitoring
When combining managers within an investment strategy, the primary objective is to ensure that the chosen funds have complementary, rather than divergent, characteristics, to ensure that the combined portfolio does not simply replicate the index. This means that the stock-picking skills of the chosen managers still influence the fund at the overall portfolio level.
The second criterion is to ensure that the combined portfolio has sufficient exposure to those styles that have consistently performed across markets and that these styles exhibit low correlations.