Capita Asset Management manages its local portfolios using proven decision-making processes, while its management philosophy is supported by the considerable experience of its investment partners. Capita partners with reputable asset management brands that are all industry leaders.
Our partners are Cadiz Asset Management and Starfunds.ai who advise and consult with Capita regarding the the management of our portfolios.
About Cadiz Asset Management
Cadiz Asset Management works with Capita Asset Management and provides professional advice on managing the Capita BCI Unit Trust funds.
Capita has full access to the Cadiz Asset Management skill-set including:
Asset allocation determination
Asset manager evaluation
Fund selection and blending into portfolios
About Starfunds.ai
Starfunds.ai is a unique, rule-based, quantitative manager that uses a fund selection algorithm conceptualised and designed in 2015. Starfunds.ai uses a fund selection algorithm conceptualised and designed in 2015. It operates around a unique set of rules and investment principles that are applied to the selection of top-performing regulated funds. The rules, principles and modus operandi behind the Starfunds.ai algorithm are continuously developed and fine-tuned by the Starfunds.ai investment analysis team.
As a result of the ongoing development within Starfunds.ai, the investment objectives constantly evolve and develop in order to to meet the respective needs of our clients. The portfolio of Starfunds.ai funds rely upon the core algorithm, which means that it is primarily a quant and rules-based product, while retaining its unique identity.
All funds in the Starfunds.ai range contain only five underlying fully-regulated funds. The algorithm selects these top-performing regulated investment funds, which enables Starfunds.ai to achieve long-term outperformance against other fund-of-funds, tracker funds and benchmarks.